Another Great Training Event!

September 8, 2016

In the middle of another great face to face training event in Norfolk! It always impresses me how diverse our customer base is. At this event we have some of the largest companies in the world, and some smaller groups. We have folks from financial services, oil and gas, healthcare, software, and many others! 

For those who haven’t had a chance to join us at these events – we hold two of them a year. Primarily targeting new customers (but we get a lot of long-time customers sending new folks they’ve hired) who need general introduction training to the design environments. Secondarily, providing some advanced breakout sessions for more technical users – or more experienced users that are very collaborative. We also tend to share a preview of what our R&D team is working on to get feedback. 

Carl and Heath kicked off the event by showing off the upcoming 4.0 Beta Release! We got a lot of ooh’s, ah’s and thank you’s! Watch for an announcement soon regarding the public availability of the beta. 

We’d love to have you join us early next year for the next event. Norfolk has some great food – especially seafood – and world class battleships pull up and park downtown every day. Fun to see. 




Kevin Lindquist
A Crocker Innovation Fellow with a degree from Brigham Young University, Kevin has a rich history in identifying pains and applying technology solutions. He has worked with a number of startups and success stories in the software and hardware space from Silicon Valley, The Silicon Slopes, and abroad including: Square, ASUS, and Fundly along with consultative roles at other Utah technology startups. He has been mentored by a number of highly successful individuals, including an Entrepreneur in Residence at Disney, multiple venture capitalists, and thought leaders in the world of technology and entrepreneurship. Kevin has a deep appreciation for entrepreneurship and a passion for internet technology. He is constantly seeking ways to contribute to the next generation of web enabled tools, a primary reason for his involvement with Decisions.

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