Decisions Blog

Top 10 Reasons to Walk Away from Your Process Automation System

by Top 10 Reasons to Walk Away from Your Process Automation System, on July 25, 2024
  Operational efficiency, speed, and adaptability are crucial to maintaining a competitive edge. Although process automation with an advanced rules engine can help a business thrive, the rising costs of many automation platforms, coupled with the …

The Power of Decision-Making: 5 Differentiators of the Decisions Rules Engine

by Cecelia Troyan, on July 23, 2024
  Modern businesses are continuously seeking ways to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and make more informed decisions.  A rules engine can play a pivotal role in achieving these goals by automating decision-making processes and enforcing business …

Simplify Rules for Intelligent Automation: Leveraging the Power of a Rules Engine with RPA

by Cecelia Troyan, on July 18, 2024
  Robotic process Automation (RPA) has transformed how businesses handle routine tasks. By streamlining operations, especially those tied to essential legacy applications, RPA delivers significant efficiency gains. However, these early automation solutions come with their own …

The Case for Moving Beyond Loan Origination Systems

by Cecelia Troyan, on July 16, 2024
  While traditional Loan Origination Systems (LOS) have long been the cornerstone of loan processing, they may not be sufficient to meet modern demands across financial institutions. This blog post examines why an LOS may fall …

Breaking Free from Out-of-the-Box System Constraints

by Cecelia Troyan, on July 11, 2024
  Organizations strive to optimize their workflows to stay competitive and deliver exceptional value to their customers. While many rely on out-of-the-box solutions to manage core processes, these standard tools often fall short when it comes …

7 Reasons Every Business Leader Should Lean in to a Rules Engine

by Cecelia Troyan, on June 13, 2024
  Staying ahead in today’s competitive market demands innovation, efficiency, and agility in adapting to ever-changing market dynamics. Businesses are under constant pressure to optimize their operations, make data-driven decisions swiftly, and respond to customer needs …

The Critical Significance of the Rules Engine in Case Management

by Cecelia Troyan, on June 10, 2024
  Case management is a process to handle complex cases with multiple steps, stakeholders, and varying data points. Unlike simple workflows that follow a linear path, cases are inherently dynamic, requiring constant adaptation to new information …

Introducing Decisions V.9: Streamlining Project Management and Design Excellence for Process Automation

by Cecelia Troyan, on May 30, 2024
  To deliver on our vision of continuously improving ease of use for our customers, we are pleased to announce Decisions V.9, a significant leap forward for our intuitive process automation platform. Packed with enhancements tailored …

The Decision Catalyst: How AI Process Automation is Reshaping Decision Management

by Cecelia Troyan, on May 28, 2024
  Organizations are inundated with vast amounts of information waiting to be transformed into actionable insights. However, the sheer volume and complexity of data often pose significant challenges in deciphering meaningful patterns and making informed decisions.  Intelligent …

A Roadmap to Intelligent Process Transformation with AI

by Cecelia Troyan, on May 22, 2024
  To stay competitive and profitable, organizations must continuously evolve and optimize their processes to achieve optimal results and revenue gains. Process automation, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), is a key strategy in achieving this goal. Integrating …

The Rule Engine’s Function in Navigating AI Compliance

by Cecelia Troyan, on May 13, 2024
Business process automation (BPA) is a potent solution for streamlining tasks, increasing productivity, and optimizing business operations. When coupled with AI technologies such as GenerativeAI (genAI), natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and robotics …

Unpacking Hyperautomation: Beyond Basic Automation

by Cecelia Troyan, on April 30, 2024
  Utilizing technology to fast-track business initiatives stands out as one of the most effective methods for boosting business growth, with hyperautomation emerging as a key strategy in driving these successes. Businesses of all sizes and …

AI In Action: Real-World Applications Transforming Process Automation

by Cecelia Troyan, on April 9, 2024
  Artificial intelligence (AI) and its uses permeates many business and technology discussions in today’s workplace. While some are unsure about its application, the undeniable truth remains: AI presents boundless opportunities for efficiency and innovation. One …

Beyond Optimization: Four Hidden Gems of Process Mining

by Cecelia Troyan, on March 22, 2024
Process mining has emerged as a powerful tool to analyze and optimize operational processes. It allows organizations to gain deep insights into their business processes by analyzing event logs and transactional data. In visualizing process …

Top 5 Back-Office AI Automated Processes for 2024

by Cecelia Troyan, on March 4, 2024
  Administrative and support employees are the unsung heroes running the back office. They have some of the more mundane, repetitive tasks that drive business operations. Their work is critical, and their responsibilities are vast. Data …

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