Decisions Digital Sprints for Challenging Times

June 9, 2020

In these unprecedented times filled with new challenges, uncertainty, and organizational and personal constraints, IT and business leaders are working to adapt their operations in response to COVID-19. To enable these changes, maintain continuity, and ensure the health of employees and their communities, businesses need their technology platforms to be able to pivot on a dime.

From healthcare providers creating new patient screening, tracking, and follow-up applications to those in other industries needing to quickly automate paper-driven processes, monitor performance, and check on remote employees, the challenges can seem insurmountable. However, we at Decisions are seeing our customers do their best to make these rapid changes and plan for a new normal.

Digital Design Sprints Deliver for Health Services

One of the ways Decisions has been able to bring the power of our flexible, no-code workflow and rules engine platform to bear in this crisis is to provide a COVID-19 patient screening and reporting app from concept to implementation to a set of health services after just a seven-day sprint.

As knowledge of the COVID-19 virus and its symptoms continues to evolve, it can be difficult for leaders and employees to know the next steps that they should take to keep themselves and their neighbors safe. With a wide range of potential symptoms, recovery time frames, contact rules, and treatment plans, each individual’s response and course of action can be unique. At the same time, there is an increasing amount of incorrect or incomplete news flowing on social media and in social circles that can make finding the right information even more difficult.

To help fill this knowledge gap for patients while also helping to minimize the stresses on health systems, a patient screening and reporting app was developed. Using the native functionality, interface, and integrations, Decisions’ design team was able to build the rules-driven framework that health services can use to screen potential patients and deliver accurate information—in one weekend. In the days that followed, the health experts refined the rules, wove in authoritative information, and optimized critical processes, which could easily be updated with the intuitive platform.

Following this iteration cycle, a working prototype was put in place to allow patients to fill out an online survey that immediately generated a severity score and suggested actions the patient could take. The prototype also had the foundations for future development as the application matured, such as the ability to enable mobile (SMS) delivery and a back-end portal that allowed patients and employers to check on overall and individual results. This back-end portal was enabled through integrations Decisions already had in place with existing large data hosting providers such as Amazon Web Services.

By the end of the week, a healthcare system implemented the solution to prescreen patients who visited the system’s website seeking information about COVID-19 and testing options. Within an hour of the application going live, 450 patients completed screenings.

Tap into Your Own Digital Sprint

Decisions is prepared to bring our rapid and innovative development capability to your organization to help automate a critical business process with your own seven-day sprint. With our design team standing by, we are offering seven-day digital sprints to take you from idea to a minimum viable digital product or prototype with urgency. Along the way, our design team can quickly integrate feedback, demonstrate potential functionality, and provide a set of action steps needed to take the prototype over the finish line and into production.

To learn more, contact the Decisions team so we can gather your requirements and quickly iterate user experience and business logic on the Decisions no-code automation platform.

Gordon Jones
Gordon Jones has founded and sold three companies with the last built using Decisions technology. He has also led factories and large IT implementations both in the US and in Asia, where he lived for over seven years.

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