Decisions Q1 2016 Free Training Event

February 17, 2016

Decisions Free Training Event on March 1st in Norfolk, VA, USA

On March 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, Decisions will be holding a free training event at the Courtyard in Downtown Norfolk, Virginia, USA. Prospects, customers and partners are welcome to attend for free training and other sessions lead by Decisions training staff and select partners. The training will be split into multiple tracks covering a broad range of topics for designer users and developers.

There will not be a remote option for this event. We encourage those interested in remote training events to watch for new Decisions Seminars at Personalized training sessions are always available from our professional services team and can be delivered remotely or on-site.

Contact for more information about this event or other training services.

Kevin Lindquist
A Crocker Innovation Fellow with a degree from Brigham Young University, Kevin has a rich history in identifying pains and applying technology solutions. He has worked with a number of startups and success stories in the software and hardware space from Silicon Valley, The Silicon Slopes, and abroad including: Square, ASUS, and Fundly along with consultative roles at other Utah technology startups. He has been mentored by a number of highly successful individuals, including an Entrepreneur in Residence at Disney, multiple venture capitalists, and thought leaders in the world of technology and entrepreneurship. Kevin has a deep appreciation for entrepreneurship and a passion for internet technology. He is constantly seeking ways to contribute to the next generation of web enabled tools, a primary reason for his involvement with Decisions.

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