Decisions Seminar: Business Rule Basics – Register Here

March 23, 2016

What is a Decisions Seminar?

A Decisions Seminar is a survey and high level training of a specific feature or pattern in the Decisions Platform. While we hold other webinars that are more “sales demo” focused. Decisions Seminars are aimed more at enablement and training. You can see recordings of past Decisions Seminars at

What will we cover in the Business Rule Basics seminar?

The Business Rule Engine is at the core of the Decisions Platform. We hope to provide an overview of the primary rule types in Decisions, along with some general best practices and recommendations around which rule types to use for different solution domains. In addition to the overview we will be demonstrating some basic level rule creation and other points of configuration to support the integration of the business rules with the overall system and solution.

How do I register?

You can register directly for this session at this link: GoToWebinar Registration

You can browse other events at

Kevin Lindquist
A Crocker Innovation Fellow with a degree from Brigham Young University, Kevin has a rich history in identifying pains and applying technology solutions. He has worked with a number of startups and success stories in the software and hardware space from Silicon Valley, The Silicon Slopes, and abroad including: Square, ASUS, and Fundly along with consultative roles at other Utah technology startups. He has been mentored by a number of highly successful individuals, including an Entrepreneur in Residence at Disney, multiple venture capitalists, and thought leaders in the world of technology and entrepreneurship. Kevin has a deep appreciation for entrepreneurship and a passion for internet technology. He is constantly seeking ways to contribute to the next generation of web enabled tools, a primary reason for his involvement with Decisions.

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