Decisions Workflow Engine: A Few Basic Questions

January 16, 2013

What is a Workflow Engine?

Workflow software, or a workflow engine provides resources and tools that enable programmers to create and implement automated solutions. As an organitzation identifies thier business processes a workflow engine or workflow software can be used to map those processes, identifiy key interactions, and create flows that automate the business processes.

What is the Decisions Workflow Engine?

Our workflow engine is fully graphical. Our goal is to empower the business analyst and reduce the burden on IT resources within your organization. We allow programmers to quickly build applications that non-programmers can configure easily. A business analyst familiar with our platform is able to create, test, and deploy workflows and business rules from within the platform without writing code.

Business Analysts specialize in understanding and optimizing business processes. We arm analysts with the tools that allow them to create technology that puts their recommendations and analysis to work without taking extra bandwidth away from the technology team.

While we aim to make workflow easy for the analyst, we understand that programmers will fall in love with our platform too. The Decisions Workflow Automation Platform is built with extensibility and integrations in mind. You can embed workflows and business rules into your existing applications, or you can create them from the ground up, with a head start from our platform.

How can I use the Decisions Workflow Engine?

As we have already started to explain, our workflow engine can be used to create new workflows, in a fully graphical environment that can be utilized in a number of different methods. Chances are we have had some experience similar to what you are tyring to accomplish. Try our workflow engine and drop us a line to start a conversation.

Where can I learn more about the Decisions Workflow Engine?

So you want to learn more about the Decisions Workflow Engine? If you click here you will be taken to a separate page where you can fill out a form that will take you to our sample modules where you can start to explore the Decisions Workflow Engine. Or get more details by going to our platform page.

Kevin Lindquist
A Crocker Innovation Fellow with a degree from Brigham Young University, Kevin has a rich history in identifying pains and applying technology solutions. He has worked with a number of startups and success stories in the software and hardware space from Silicon Valley, The Silicon Slopes, and abroad including: Square, ASUS, and Fundly along with consultative roles at other Utah technology startups. He has been mentored by a number of highly successful individuals, including an Entrepreneur in Residence at Disney, multiple venture capitalists, and thought leaders in the world of technology and entrepreneurship. Kevin has a deep appreciation for entrepreneurship and a passion for internet technology. He is constantly seeking ways to contribute to the next generation of web enabled tools, a primary reason for his involvement with Decisions.

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