One of the questions that we commonly get asked is ‘my company produces or has a software application that does __________, how does Decisions work with us?’
The reason we are contacted is almost universally the same – the applications do a great job at solving a task but need to be more flexible. The business rules need to change without writing code. Workflows need to be adjustable. Dashboards need to be customized. While our partners generally have the ability to solve most of these problems – its a matter of time and focus. Marrying up best of breed configuration technology to solid business applications just makes sense.
There really are 2 elements to this that are important to consider:
Technical/Design: Decisions was built from the ground up to be delivered in an embedded fashion. For the first couple years that was the primary focus of our relationships. It can be used both from a UI perspective (which is fully rebrandable), embedded or just as an API/Services layer. All functionality that can be done in the portal or execution of the products of our business designers can be accessed through API. These API calls can be made through JSON/WCF/REST/Webservices.
Business Terms: We are very good at crafting win/win relationships with our partners. Our terms can be flexible to accommodate most situations. This allows us to have pricing that works for different size business problems and different licensing models. We have built a number of structures that match the business models and constraints of our partners.
Decisions is the quickest way to build software and solve your most difficult problems. Book a demo to learn how we can simplify and standardize your business operations.