Optimize Your Supply Chain with Decisions

January 9, 2019

Given the flexible nature of Decisions, our customers have used our platform for a whole range of different use cases across many different industries.  One area that is growing in use, is Supply Chain Management.  Whether managing inventory, coordinating purchases, controlling master data, or optimizing logistics, Decisions has tools available to squeeze value out of your supply chain.

Inventory Management

Inventory optimization can be a competitive advantage for many organizations.  However, finding the right tool to manage it can be tricky.  We’ve worked with organizations that have gone the route of using out of the box solutions, or that have built their own custom solutions, or that have modified an out of the box solution.  Each of these options have some limitations, with the completely custom options being expensive and slow to implement, and the out of box options being limited with regards to flexibility.  Decisions on the other hand, provides the option to have the best of both worlds.  Our 100% code free development environment significantly cuts down on development time.  Rather than building thousands of lines of code, our customers can configure custom inventory management solutions with non-technical business analysts.  Moreover, these business analysts are able to quickly understand and change the configuration as business requirements change.  With this in mind, we have customers using Decisions to determine safety stocks, to allocate to warehouses, and to plan production centers.   Additionally, we have customers using Decisions to handle supply chain related workflows.  When purchasing decisions are made, Decisions workflow can be used to route approvals to people, based on your organizational rules.  With our built in API’s and native integrations to many external systems, it’s easy to add Decisions into your system landscape to facilitate these workflows.


In the area of logistics, we have customers using our platform to provide real time information to their customers about the location and the details of their shipments.  Shipment data that includes things like sku details, location, supplier, incoterms, ETD, ETA, etc. is collected at various points along the supply chain.   Collecting this information and disseminating it to various interest groups can be cumbersome.  Especially when those interest groups have ever evolving ways that they would like to see the data.  Using Decisions, our customers can import millions of lines of shipment data and then use our rules engine to produce custom reports and alerts.  More importantly, they can build workflows that then take predefined actions based on information found in the shipping reports.  For example, they can trigger notifications via email or SMS when there are delays.  They can also upload the latest shipment details into an ERP system and allow for planner to see the most up to date information available when making important purchasing decisions. 

These are just some of the many possibilities that can be realized with a tool like Decisions.  If your looking to optimize your Supply Chain, reach out to us at sales@decisions.com to learn more about how Decisions can help.

James Davidson
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