Elevating Customer Experience with the Power of Workflow Automation

February 23, 2023


Delivering an effective customer experience is vital to the success of your business – and the numbers don’t lie. Companies that lead in customer experience outperform their competitors by nearly 80%.  Within the financial and insurance industries alone, 62% claim customer experience as a primary differentiator amongst their competition. Companies with good customer service benefit from positive promotion, repeat business, and long-term customer loyalty. Conversely, poor customer service results in negative reviews, customer loss, and damage to a company’s reputation. 

When considering your own business processes,  several factors can affect customer service, including:

Employee training and development: Proper onboarding, training, and resources ensure employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to serve customers effectively.

Customer demand and expectations: Understanding customer demand and expectations is essential in providing relevant and appropriate customer service.

Industry regulations and standards: Specific regulations and compliance standards must be met in certain industries, like financial services and healthcare, which can impact the level of service provided.

Competition: Competition within an industry impacts customer service, as companies strive to differentiate themselves and offer better service to attract and retain customers.

While it’s been established that excellent customer service is required for the growth of a business, the question remains: How do we hone a consistent, positive customer experience? 

Automation as a Solution 

Over the next two years, it is predicted that 57% of enterprise organizations will build automation strategies to support customer experience. Companies that turn to automation to improve customer interactions will increase their chances of standing out in a competitive marketplace, attracting new customers, and retaining their existing ones. 

Automation helps by simplifying and streamlining the processes that directly impact how customers interact with your brand. This reduces processing cycle times, improves the accuracy of responses, and elevates your customer’s overall experience across channels. 

Embracing workflow automation solutions like Decisions to elevate customer experience offers numerous benefits,  including: 

Streamlined processes: Workflows let you standardize and automate routine customer service processes, reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks. 

Improved data management: When integrated with existing systems, customer data can be collected and analyzed to gain valuable insights into your customers’ behavior and preferences. This helps your team make informed decisions aimed towards improving operations and increasing response times. 

Enhanced consistency: Ensuring customer service practices are consistent across your organization will result in a better customer experience, as customer expectations are met with high-quality service from all support staff.

Reduced operational costs: By reducing the time and effort required for manual processes, automation platforms increase your company’s overall productivity and profitability.

In today’s market, a high-quality customer experience is a non-negotiable, and Decisions has the tools and team prepared to increase your customer satisfaction and success. Whether it’s automating routine processes, managing customer requests, or digitizing operations, Decisions does it all within one, unified platform.

Don’t keep your customers waiting – schedule a demo with our team today.

Cecelia Troyan
Cecelia Troyan is a content strategist and writer at Decisions. She is passionate about accessible digital content and communication.

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