ClickCease On-Demand Training Now Available - Decisions
Event: SAPinsider Las Vegas 2025 | March 18 - 20

On-Demand Training Now Available

November 23, 2016

The recordings of the free online training event are now available at

The training took place across four days, so you’ll find four two to three hour videos that you can reference on demand. This training event encompasses our standard business analyst curriculum. Reviewing each of the major designers in Decisions while building an example application. 

Our professional services team is happy to provide tailored training services on-site or remotely. In many cases we find that training through the development of a given use case is the most beneficial. 

We welcome any feedback on this training event or any other events via 


Kevin Lindquist
Kevin Lindquist has led revenue teams at multiple software companies through major revenue milestones and exits. His fourteen years of experience in multiple verticals including Financial Services, E-Commerce, and Telecommunications brings unique perspectives to software development and digital transformation projects. Kevin is a graduate of Brigham Young University's Marriott School of Business and is a proud boomerang employee at Decisions.

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