Decisions Blog

Process Mining: Essential Tools and Tips

by Cecelia Troyan, on July 20, 2023
Congratulations on embracing digital transformation and automating your business processes! But the work doesn't end there. Now, it's time to dig into the data and ensure everything is running smoothly. Process mining is here to help, …

Transforming Document Workflow with Intelligent Data Extraction

by Cecelia Troyan, on July 14, 2023
  In the age of digital transformation, manual data entry is taking a back seat. Businesses are constantly looking for new, effective ways to pull and process the data within documents. This information is crucial to …

Streamlining Your Business with AI Integration and Workflow Automation

by Cecelia Troyan, on July 7, 2023
As a business owner, you're always on the lookout for ways to work smarter, not harder. That's where AI integration and process automation come into play. AI is no longer a distant, futuristic dream—it's happening …

From Hunches to Hard Data: Measuring ROI for Workflow Automation

by Cecelia Troyan, on June 30, 2023
Software upgrades and innovations need to offer real value to the company, in other words, a return on investment (ROI). If you're going to spend money on a new business solution, you have to prove …

Decisions Days Recap: Inspiring Connections, Collaborative Efforts, and Creative Outcomes

by Cecelia Troyan, on May 31, 2023
Decisions Days 2023 has come and gone, and it was an absolute blast! From May 22nd to 24th, Virginia Beach played host to an incredible gathering of 250 Decisions customers, partners, and developers, all sharing …

Why Digital Transformation Is Vital for Your Business Success

by Cecelia Troyan, on May 19, 2023
  The importance of digital transformation for sustained business success is well understood and accepted. But what exactly does it mean, and why is it so crucial? Let's take a moment to demystify this concept and …

Breaking Down the Benefits of Automating Document Management

by Cecelia Troyan, on May 11, 2023
  As businesses grow, so does the amount of paperwork they generate. Handling and organizing these documents, and the data elements embedded within them, can quickly turn into a nightmare if not managed properly. Even with …

5 Signs It’s Time to Automate a Business Process and Tips for Making the Decision

by Cecelia Troyan, on May 5, 2023
  Automation has become an essential part of modern-day business, providing increased productivity, efficiency, and accuracy, while reducing costs and errors. However, some people still resist automation, fearing job loss or believing that it's too expensive. …

Boosting Your Business Efficiency with Integration Capabilities

by Cecelia Troyan, on April 27, 2023
Do you ever feel caught in a never-ending loop, swiveling between different software applications while working on a project? It can be incredibly frustrating to plug data from one system into another or repeatedly rewrite …

Manage Your Digital Landscape with Business Process Automation

by Cecelia Troyan, on April 21, 2023
Managing your digital landscape has become an increasingly daunting task, with challenges that seem to grow by the day. Gone are the days of relying on monolithic, all-in-one platforms, as today's organizations now juggle dozens …

Maximizing Efficiency with Process Automation in Real-Time Payment Systems

by Cecelia Troyan, on April 14, 2023
The speed and security of payment processing is always increasing, and close on its heels is a growing demand for alternative payment methods. Real-time payments (RTPs) are electronic transitions that occur instantaneously within a secure …

Efficiency, Compliance, and Cost-Savings: The Advantages of No-Code Solutions for Pharmacy Benefits Managers

by Cecelia Troyan, on April 7, 2023
Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) play a critical role in maintaining and improving patient health, and the role continues to evolve within the healthcare industry. Shifting regulatory guidelines influence the expectations for the role as PBMs …

Drive Success in the Automotive Service Industry with Process Automation

by Cecelia Troyan, on March 30, 2023
The automobile industry in the United States is a powerhouse, boasting some of the largest and most well-known car manufacturers in the world, including General Motors, Ford, and Tesla. The industry is a major contributor …

4 Ways to Prevent Cyber Fraud with No-Code Process Automation

by Cecelia Troyan, on March 24, 2023
Fraud is a critical risk to any business, and cybersecurity plays a vital role in safeguarding sensitive data and IT infrastructure from fraudulent activities and actors. Recently, cybercriminals have become more sophisticated, making traditional fraud …

Solving Healthcare’s Digital Transformation Challenges with IPA

by Cecelia Troyan, on March 17, 2023
In a post-pandemic world, there is unparalleled pressure for the Healthcare industry to be agile, responsive, and equipped to manage unexpected emergencies. Despite this demand, significant challenges surround the adoption and implementation of technology, especially …

Transform your business with automation.

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