Top 5 Back-Office AI Automated Processes for 2024

March 4, 2024


Administrative and support employees are the unsung heroes running the back office. They have some of the more mundane, repetitive tasks that drive business operations. Their work is critical, and their responsibilities are vast. Data entry, invoicing, financial analysis, customer support, onboarding, benefits administration, compliance, and supply chain are only a smattering of their duties – some of which are the most time-consuming and error-prone. 

Utilizing AI process automation for back-office functions has emerged as one of the most sensible and pragmatic applications of smart technology for greater efficiency, productivity, and risk reduction. Let’s explore the top five essential back-office processes you should automate this year.

Automate Data Entry and Processing

Data entry may be challenging, but it’s necessary for every business. AI-powered automation tools have turned the tedious task of data entry and processing into a seamless, automated workflow that integrates across your tech stack, keeping your entire business up-to-date and connected. 

An intelligent process automation (IPA) platform can extract pertinent information from diverse sources such as emails, scanned documents, PDFs, and web forms. These AI-driven systems then meticulously analyze the extracted data, organizing and inputting it into the appropriate databases or spreadsheets without manual intervention. Automation at this level significantly minimizes the potential for human error and liberates countless hours previously devoted to monotonous data entry. 

Furthermore, the intelligence of these systems extends beyond mere data entry; they also recognize patterns, make connections, and even flag inconsistencies or anomalies, enhancing data integrity and reliability. Such automated scrutiny ensures swift integration of processed data and maintains a high standard of accuracy. For businesses, this means elevated operational efficiency and the ability to allocate human resources to more strategic initiatives.

Streamline Document Management 

Efficient document management is fundamental to operational success and has undergone a remarkable transformation through AI-powered automation. Managing immense amounts of documents by hand is more than just cumbersome; it’s also susceptible to mistakes and inefficiencies. Automation solutions tailored for document management tackle these challenges head-on by enabling businesses to organize, store, and retrieve documents with unprecedented ease and speed. 

These systems categorize documents based on content, context, and user-defined rules, making them easily accessible with just a few clicks. Additionally, version control and access management benefit appreciably through automated workflows, ensuring that the most current documents are always available while maintaining permissions over who can view or edit them. 

Automated document management also facilitates team collaboration, independent of physical location, by providing real-time updates and notifications on document changes or review requests.

Additionally, AI can automate critical information extraction from documents, transforming unstructured data into actionable insights. By deploying automation in document management, businesses boost their operational efficiency, security, and compliance. Because IPA systems can track document access and modifications, they provide a comprehensive audit trail. 

Manage Accounting and Finances

Financial management is vital for every business – yet it’s time-intensive. Process automation and AI excel at performing tasks with precision and speed unattainable by manual means. They streamline the processing of invoices, manage expenses efficiently, execute payroll operations seamlessly, and compile financial reports with impeccable accuracy.

In an area as significant as finance, where accuracy is paramount, reducing human error translates to more reliable financial outcomes and insights. Automating these tasks frees teams from time-draining, repetitive work. With newfound freedom, financial professionals can allocate their expertise toward strategic analysis and forward-thinking financial planning, which can substantially influence a company’s trajectory.

By incorporating AI business automation into accounting and financial operations, businesses can achieve a dual advantage with both operational efficiency and strategic empowerment. This shift propels the finance department’s productivity and contributes to the organization’s overall agility and competitive edge.

Enhance Customer Support with AI Chatbots

Managing customers can be overwhelming, especially when you are a global corporation with customers across different regions and time zones. Integrating AI chatbots into customer support frameworks marks a significant leap forward in customer service. Advanced AI and automation systems provide immediate, around-the-clock responses with answers for simple queries about products and services to more intricate support issues. 

The inherent flexibility and intelligence of AI chatbots allow them to understand and process user requests rapidly with ease, delivering accurate and helpful responses that enrich the customer experience.

One of the standout benefits of deploying AI chatbots is their capacity to relieve human support teams of the burden of handling high-volume routine inquiries. This strategic allocation of tasks ensures that customer support specialists are available to tackle more complex and nuanced customer needs, where human empathy and expertise truly make a difference. 

By embracing AI chatbots, businesses can elevate customer satisfaction through prompt and accurate support and optimize the efficiency of their customer service operations.

Leverage AI-Powered Onboarding Processes

Employee onboarding processes often involve copious amounts of paperwork, data entry, and coordination between multiple stakeholders. AI makes onboarding processes more streamlined and personalized than ever before.

AI’s ability to customize the onboarding journey for everyone, based on their specific role, skills, and learning pace, marks a substantial leap in integrating new team members into an organization. An IPA platform takes over routine onboarding tasks such as paperwork automation, system setups, and initial training schedules, allowing human resources professionals to focus on creating a more welcoming and engaging experience for newcomers.

Using AI-powered workflows for onboarding does more than expedite administrative tasks; it transforms the new hire journey into an interactive and adaptive learning experience. By analyzing the new employee’s engagement and progress, these systems can adjust learning paths in real-time, ensuring that individuals receive the most relevant and impactful introduction to their new roles and responsibilities, fostering new hire morale and job satisfaction from day one.

Additionally, AI process automation tools facilitate a seamless transition for new employees by ensuring all necessary resources, access permissions, and support systems are in place before their start date. This proactive approach to onboarding showcases an organization’s commitment to employee success and well-being, laying the foundation for a productive and enduring professional relationship.

Next Steps

While the above highlights only some of the transformative potential of AI and process automation in back-office operations, the opportunities for use today are unparalleled. Businesses poised to improve efficiency and strategic focus can take advantage of the possibilities and stay ahead in the digital age. 

The journey towards embracing these technologies starts with thoroughly analyzing current workflows. This analysis allows for the identification of areas ripe for automation. Kickstart this transformative process by selecting one or two automation technologies that address immediate needs. Whether it’s streamlining data processing, optimizing document management, upgrading financial operations, enhancing customer support, or modernizing employee onboarding, the options for improvements in how organizations work are endless.

Decisions automation experts are ready to guide you in selecting your process improvement requirements. Schedule a demo today.

Cecelia Troyan
Cecelia Troyan is a content strategist and writer at Decisions. She is passionate about accessible digital content and communication.

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