Decisions Blog

Decisions is going to MMS 2013. Systems Center is Getting Better!

by Kevin Lindquist, on March 1, 2013
If you work with Microsoft Systems Center, be prepared for a big announcement coming your way from Decisions. Are you going to MMS 2013 in Las Vegas? Let's connect! More info to come from Decisions. Workflow …

Decisions 2.3: Business Rule Table, PDF Form Handling, and Azure

by Kevin Lindquist, on February 4, 2013
2.3 The world of workflow automation just got better. This month Decisions has released version 2.3 of its Workflow Automation Platform. This release includes a number of updates that will make it easier for you to …

How Can I Use Business Rules?

by Carl Hewitt, on January 25, 2013
While you can get fairly technical when talking about Business Rules and how they can be implemented from a software and workflow perspective (technical overview coming soon with pictures!) I first want to spark a …

Decisions Workflow Engine: A Few Basic Questions

by Kevin Lindquist, on January 16, 2013
What is a Workflow Engine? Workflow software, or a workflow engine provides resources and tools that enable programmers to create and implement automated solutions. As an organitzation identifies thier business processes a workflow engine or workflow …

Business Process Automation: A high-level introduction.

by Kevin Lindquist, on January 9, 2013
The Process in Business "Process" Automation At their core, businesses are comprised of a set or series of processes. Products and services are created to take something in an undesirable state and transform it to a …

Elements of Business Rule Management: Rule Designer

by Carl Hewitt, on December 21, 2012
Effectively using business rule technology requires a fundamental shift of the responsibility for managing business logic from the technology group to the business experts. There are a number of elements to this. Here we explore …

Elements of Business Rule Management: Unit Test Framework

by Carl Hewitt, on December 10, 2012
While building rules, having the ability to see them run and evaluate if what they are doing is what they were designed to do is important. However, one of the problems that can happen in …

Elements of Business Rule Management: Rule Repository

by Carl Hewitt, on November 30, 2012
Rules not only need to be created but also need to be managed. The management of business rules answers questions like these: When was it changed? Who changed it? Why was it changed? What did it look like at …

Information Week 500: Innovate with Business Process Automation

by Kevin Lindquist, on October 25, 2012
Business Process Automation is 'so hot right now' according to data from a recent Information Week survey. Information Week recently came out with the 24th annual ranking of companies who have made a notable improvement in …

Process View Pages. Getting better all the time.

by Kevin Lindquist, on October 14, 2012
Process view pages in Decisions are getting better all the time! When coordinating the workflow automation effort among different people, teams, and even organizations it can be difficult to stay current on all of the …

Email Response to Workflow

by Kevin Lindquist, on September 29, 2012
Workflow with Email. Email is a primary method of communication for everybody in your organization. One of the new features of Decisions 2.2 is the ability to respond to workflow tasks via email. Configuring this …

Flexible Business Applications: Embedded Rule Engine and Workflow

by Carl Hewitt, on September 29, 2012
One of the questions that we commonly get asked is 'my company produces or has a software application that does __________, how does Decisions work with us?' The reason we are contacted is almost universally the …

Decisions Platform: Rules and Workflow on Microsoft Azure

by Carl Hewitt, on September 28, 2012
With our 2.2 release, we are fully supporting being hosted on Microsoft Azure. We are pretty excited that our leading rule and workflow platform can now in this cloud! With Azure, Microsoft has reduced much of …

Decisions Platform: Rules and Workflow on Amazon AWS

by Carl Hewitt, on September 27, 2012
We recently announced support for Microsoft Azure, however, wanted to highlight something that we have had for quite a while - ability to run on and integrate with the Amazon AWS cloud services. Our support for …

Introducing Decisions 2.2: Workflow Automation Just Got Even Better!

by Kevin Lindquist, on September 21, 2012
The wheel in the sky has continued to turn, and we are very happy to announce the release of Decisions 2.2! (Journey has a regular spot in our daily playlist if you haven't noticed.) Over …

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