Decisions Blog

Decisions Featured in Entrepreneur

by Michael Templeman Michael Templeman, on February 21, 2014
Head on over and read the article here.

The Problem : Printing documents from Decisions to a local printer to enable staff to carry out their job.

by Michael Templeman Michael Templeman, on February 19, 2014
This was a great post by one of our partners.   Background : The Decisions Workflow Product is creating documents that need to be sent by post, this could be an invoice, a letter or maybe a …

Did BYOD kill the IT guy?

by Michael Templeman Michael Templeman, on January 17, 2014
Companies are starting to warm to the idea of their employees using their own devices.  A recent study by Network World found that Fortune 500 companies are now allowing their employees greater freedom when it …

Innovations in Automation Make It Must-Have

by Michael Templeman Michael Templeman, on December 13, 2013
This article was recently published on Wired by Kevin Lindquist, Marketing Director for   I want you to pick an everyday task that is performed in your company. Think about the steps that are required to …

Data dashboards: the big data silver bullet?

by Michael Templeman Michael Templeman, on December 10, 2013
A great piece by our marketing director in VentureBeat. Find the original article here: The following scene plays out millions of times a day all over the world: A commuter is headed to work in her car. …

3 ways to create technological advantage through employee engagement

by Michael Templeman Michael Templeman, on November 23, 2013
We talk a lot about maximizing people through technology, but isn’t the reverse just as essential?   No business should spend money, energy, or time without a clear path to a return on those investments, yet …

Software development isn’t just for coders anymore

by Kevin Lindquist, on November 15, 2013
Consider the world of web design and development. Over the last decade, we have seen incredible growth from tools that make publishing web pages easier for the average consumer. Instead of living neck deep in …

SaaS doesn’t mean what you think it means

by Kevin Lindquist, on October 17, 2013
Talk about agile development. Technology acronyms may be the most nimble creations of the tech sector to date. From SaaS (software as a service) to PaaS (platform as a service), to IaaS (infrastructure as a …

Unlocking the Productivity Gains of the Information Age

by Kevin Lindquist, on October 8, 2013
Another week, another article in VentureBeat about Decisions and how we are helping businesses unlock the productivity gains of the Information Revolution. Did you know that it took 30 years after the advent of electricity …

New eBook: Interceptor Rules by Decisions

by Kevin Lindquist, on September 13, 2013
Learn how to exploit your business process at the seams of business systems through the Interceptor Rule pattern by Decisions. This has been one of our favorite eBooks to put together, we hope you enjoy! Download the …

How workflow software could be the backbone of the future web.

by Kevin Lindquist, on August 26, 2013
Over the weekend I had an article picked up by VentureBeat on workflow software and how it could serve as the backbone of the future web. I have been getting a number of tweets and messages …

Business Rules: 4 Ways to Use Them

by Carl Hewitt, on August 16, 2013
 After we have a rule and it has been tested, unit tested, and is being managed and versioned - there are 4 primary ways in which a rule can be used:    Called from an API Used …

New eBook: Systems Management and Decisions

by Kevin Lindquist, on August 12, 2013
Check out our new eBook! Systems Management and Decisions by Dwain Kinghorn. Systems Management has been a messy practice since inception. Yes, the tools have evolved, and it has become easier to do certain actions, but managing systems management …

The Problem with Your “CRM”, Solved. With Workflow Software.

by Kevin Lindquist, on August 6, 2013
Disparate Systems Across the Customer Lifecycle CRM, Marketing Automation, Support Desks, Web Analytics, and more services are emerging every day that are designed to capture precious data about your customers. Businesses are armed with more data …

Workflow Software: 3 Quick Questions

by Kevin Lindquist, on July 22, 2013
Workflow software is quickly becoming one of the most effective paths to positive ROI and efficient operations for many IT departments and technology companies. However, whenever I meet somebody and they ask the question "what do …

Transform your business with automation.

Decisions is the quickest way to build software and solve your most difficult problems. Book a demo to learn how we can simplify and standardize your business operations.

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